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Meal Programs

做厙勛圖 Food and Nutrition Services operates a number of alternative programs in schools to increase students’ access to school meals. The programs offered differ based on grade levels.

Elementary Programming

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)

The goal of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is to improve children's overall diet and create lifelong eating habits to positively impact their present and future health. This program enables students to sample a unique selection of fruits and vegetables two to three times per week in the classroom while receiving corresponding nutrition education. Schools must apply to participate in FFVP, and, if eligible, programming is combined with the educational curriculum. The program runs from October through June.

Please see our menu page for the participating schools and latest FFVP menus.

Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) 

Breakfast in the Classroom is packed in insulated bags and delivered to classrooms before school begins. Classes eat breakfast together after the bell rings.

Eating breakfast in school has shown to improve students’ classroom performance, increase attendance and decrease behavioral problems, tardiness and visits to the school nurse. 

"BIC has truly changed our school culture during the mornings. Teachers and students have noticed the difference in calm. The mornings are still social. However, now it is organized. It gets our day started sooner…The teachers have taken a liking to BIC. Even the most hardened of critics is sold. The parents have cooperated with the time change and all of the worries that were expressed have been alleviated. We do not have an increase in mice, we do not have an increase in trash, and we do not have an extraordinary amount of trash…I would not want this any other way. Hey, I can't wait to pilot Lunch in the Classroom (LIC)."–Gwendolyn Payton, Principal, Beers Elementary School

Secondary Schools

Grab and Go and Extended Breakfast 

Grab and go and extended breakfast are two types of alternative breakfast programs for secondary students that can be run concurrently or separately. Grab and Go breakfast is served off of a portable kiosk located near to the school entrance. Extended or second chance breakfast is kept open after the school day begins.

Reimbursable Salad Bars 

Salad bars offered to secondary students are reimbursable, meaning a student can take his or her entire lunch from the salad bar. Reimbursable bars are open daily and feature fresh, seasonal produce.

Elementary and Secondary Schools

After School Supper or Snack 

Students receiving at least one hour of academic enrichment after school are eligible to participate in the after school supper or snack program. After school supper provides students with a full meal, served at least two hours after the school’s last lunch period.

做厙勛圖 serves about 10,000 afterschool meals a day. The after school supper program has helped 做厙勛圖 increase enrollment in after school programs by about 12 percent.