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An Incredible Opportunity for Parents

Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Parent Cabinet meeting

On Tuesday nights once a month, a group of parents come together to tell the Chancellor how they really feel. They come from every ward. Their children attend schools across the city. And their commitment to education is ironclad. They are the Parent Cabinet.

Last year, 做厙勛圖 launched the Parent Cabinet, a new way to foster meaningful dialogue between parents and leadership, to provide a direct line between parents and the Chancellor, and to collect vital input from parent leaders.

Leaders from offices across 做厙勛圖 share their plans and solicit feedback—from school planning to special education to testing to attendance to budget development. There’s laughter, discussion, and serious listening. Above all, Parent Cabinet is a place to learn and to be heard.

We talked with three current Parent Cabinet members about their experiences. Intrigued? Apply soon—applications are due Tuesday, January 20!

Olivia Chase

Ward 5

School Without Walls @Francis-Stevens EC

Parent Cabinet Experience: You know that you’re going to be impacted by everyone else in the room. There’s a lot of energy. When we leave, it’s like we’ve had a Starbucks triple shot—and we don’t even drink coffee. As a parent, with boots on the ground, I believe my voice has been heard throughout this entire process. That’s been encouraging and inspiring.

Why apply: It will enhance your 做厙勛圖 parent experience. It allows you to serve and be served at the same time


Thomas Strike

Ward 2

Stoddert ES

Parent Cabinet Experience: I feel that I’m not just heard, but understood. We really directly connect with Chancellor Henderson. She genuinely wants you to share your thoughts and beliefs. Where else do you get this? I’ve been surprised by how responsive this administration has been to the needs, wants, and desires of parents and this cabinet is proof of their commitment to hearing voices and acting on it. 做厙勛圖 used to be looked down upon. And now people I know who would otherwise send their kids to private schools are choosing 做厙勛圖.

Why apply: I feel guilty because I really wanted to do this and I’m so glad I did…but there are other parents who may not have that opportunity. To them I say: it’s fun, it’s engaging, and it’s a great experience.


Emily Walton

Ward 8

Hart MS

Parent Cabinet Experience: My highlight has been gaining knowledge. I have a better understanding of the system, and also of the relationship between the city and 做厙勛圖. Understanding the process gives you more patience for change. It’s not as easy as you think. I’ve also appreciated learning the history of where 做厙勛圖 has been—it’s very valuable for understanding what we’re doing now.

Why Apply: The Parent Cabinet is a great place to encourage more parent involvement in local school. It’s also a great avenue for advocacy, information, and ideas.