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Secondary Grading and Reporting Policy

August 2024

The District of Columbia Public Schools (做厙勛圖) mission is to ensure that students reach their full potential through rigorous and joyful learning experiences provided in a nurturing environment. 做厙勛圖 is focused on accelerating growth for students of all identities and abilities by ensuring equitable access to opportunity and removing barriers to learning. This policy conveys 做厙勛圖 requirements for grading and reporting on student academic progress for secondary students (i.e., grades 6 – 12).

做厙勛圖 believes that grades support ongoing learning, provide timely feedback, and help plan personalized instruction, while making a record of growth and development over a student’s school career. As such, grades are a measure of a state of skill and knowledge of content that is taught, learned, and demonstrated based on the 做厙勛圖 curriculum and are transparent and consistent among all schools, within set parameters. Grades are based on standards-based evidence of student learning demonstrated in foundational course engagement, assignments, and assessments throughout the term. Grades are not a mechanism used to sort students, perpetuate opportunity gaps, or manage students’ behavior. Grades are not based on institutional compliance or compatibility nor are they a tool for teaching accountability or consequences to students.

In revising this policy for school year 2024-25, 做厙勛圖 updated requirements around submission deadlines and grading for makeup and late work, developed new standards for academic integrity, and made other minor changes.

For additional information on calculating high school grade point averages, please see


June 2024

做厙勛圖 has developed a Summer Learning Secondary Grading and Reporting Guidance to support critical summer learning programs that provide students with important opportunities for academic growth, the recovery of many core courses, and preparation for the upcoming school year. Given the nature of summer learning programs, some typical grading and reporting procedures must be modified, and the new guidance details these changes. Unless specifically noted in this guidance, all other requirements of the current Secondary Grading and Reporting Policy apply to summer learning courses.