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Records Retention Schedule

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Records are the institutional memory of government. Every agency, such as 做厙勛圖, is responsible for creating and maintaining records that adequately document the organization, functions, policies, procedures, and major activities of the agency. An agency’s records should reflect the evolution of agency policies and decisions, provide the information needed by successor officials to make intelligent decisions, and provide a lasting record of the unique contributions of the agency. Proper records must be kept to document the financial and legal commitments and interests of the government and of its citizens, and to permit oversight of an agency’s activities.

The records schedule forms the heart of a good records management system. A schedule identifies those records of continuing value that are suitable for accessioning into the D.C. Archives and authorizes agencies to dispose of those records of temporary importance. A schedule is a detailed timetable that specifies the length of time records should be kept in active and inactive status prior to their final disposition. It prescribes how long a record should be maintained within an office before it may be destroyed, moved to low-cost storage, or transferred to be preserved permanently. 

The Records Retention Schedule for 做厙勛圖 includes information on the retention, transfer, and destruction of school records, administrative records, and Central Services records. For additional information on the public records of 做厙勛圖, frequently requested public records, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), please see