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Attendance and Truancy Policy

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


做厙勛圖 seeks to become an anti-racist school district that is trauma-responsive and aligned to a whole-child approach that supports educators in meeting each child’s individual and holistic needs. This means creating an environment where we eliminate opportunity gaps, interrupt institutional bias, and remove barriers to academic and social success, particularly for students of color. 做厙勛圖 actively strives to provide access, inclusion, and affirmation and offer the most support where the most significant disparities have persisted. 

Attendance is one of the key metrics that schools review as part of our whole child, anti-racist approach. Attendance patterns provide key insight into experiences that may be impacting other domains of development for the child. This policy conveys general requirements on attendance, the protocols school officials will implement if a student is absent or truant, and requirements related to the enforcement of DC Health immunization mandates. 

Specific requirements related to the 做厙勛圖 virtual learning option for students who have a documented medical condition and need to continue virtual learning or who are engaged in temporary remote learning (e.g., while quarantining) are addressed in Appendices A and B and may be updated by 做厙勛圖 as health conditions change. This policy applies to both in-person and virtual students unless specifically stated otherwise.