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Resources for Summer Program Providers

做厙勛圖 is planning for Summer 2024!

All non-做厙勛圖 providers, including School Program Providers and other DC government agencies, seeking to independently operate summer programming in a 做厙勛圖 school must follow the process below.  

Please note: 

  • To use a 做厙勛圖 school, all non-做厙勛圖 providers must submit a 做厙勛圖 Application to Use Facilities, signed by the principal, to the Department of General Services (DGS) Realty Office for processing by FRIDAY, MAY 3 for Summer 2024. See below (under Step #3) for the list of additional documents DGS will request after receiving the application.  
  • Summer 2024 Applications to Use Facilities for a 做厙勛圖 school will not be accepted after MAY 3.  
  • Programs operating in 做厙勛圖 schools over the summer must begin no earlier than June 26, 2024 and conclude no later than July 31, 2024. ALL 做厙勛圖 SCHOOLS WILL BE CLOSED FOR PROGRAMMING JULY 4 AND JULY 5.  
  • To help plan your 做厙勛圖 school search, visit for a list of offline and 做厙勛圖-run summer program sites for Summer 2024.  

做厙勛圖 Summer Facilities Use Process for Non-做厙勛圖 Program Providers

1. Identify a school. 

in which you would like to operate your program. We strongly encourage non-做厙勛圖 Program Providers to select schools in which 做厙勛圖 is already holding summer programming to reduce costs for your organization (see more under “Fees” in Step #3).

To help you plan your search, visit to see the list of offline schools that will be unavailable to external parties as well as 做厙勛圖-run summer programming sites. 

2. Get approval from the principal.

Once you identify a potential school in which to operate your program, for permission to use the school over the summer. Use of a school is at the discretion of the school’s principal.  

Next, fill out the Department of General Services (DGS) Application to Use Facilities and have the host site principal sign it. No programs may use a 做厙勛圖 school without submitting this signed form to DGS ([email protected]) by FRIDAY, MAY 3 and receiving DGS approval. 

To allow for the necessary time to coordinate support services (free meals, security, custodial support etc.), PRINCIPALS HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED NOT TO SIGN APPLICATIONS AFTER FRIDAY, MAY 3. As a reminder, programming cannot begin before June 26, 2024 and must conclude by July 31, 2024. All 做厙勛圖 schools will be closed for programming on July 4 and July 5.

3. Send required Application to Use Facilities to the Department of General Services (DGS) Realty Office by MAY 3.

Application to Use Facilities signed by the school principal must be submitted to [email protected] by MAY 3. Please note that once accepted, DGS may request a copy of your Certificate of Insurance with DC Government listed as the Certificate Holder. 

  • Fees: The DC Dept. of General Services (DGS) Realty Office may assign rental, custodial overtime, and/or security fees for non-做厙勛圖 providers to use 做厙勛圖 schools.  

To ensure the safety of students in 做厙勛圖 schools, key supports such as security, custodial staff and/or supplies must be in place. Therefore, when non-做厙勛圖 entities request to use 做厙勛圖 schools they may incur fees for rent, security, custodial overtime and/or resources. For more information regarding 做厙勛圖 school use fees, please visit our Use of Facilities and Grounds page. 

Security Fee Details: 

  • Security Services will be provided free of charge when a program operates concurrently at a 做厙勛圖 Summer School site and falls within the time frame of 8am-4pm.  
  • Any programming operating outside of 8am-4pm or operating at non-做厙勛圖 summer school site will be subject to standard security service fees.  

4. Request food (applicable only for programs seeking to access the DC Youth Meals Program).

All organizations are encouraged to take advantage of free summer meals through the DC Youth Meals Program. Two meals per day (breakfast, lunch, or snack) will be provided on site and free of charge to all participants.  

Organizations seeking to access the DC Youth Meals Program at their school site must reserve food services via the by May 3, 2024 to provide time for meal coordination. Questions? Contact Food & Nutrition Services at [email protected] by May 3, 2024 to provide time for meal coordination and staffing.  

5. Have a great summer!

Questions about the process outlined above?